Saturday, August 9, 2008
posted by Steve at 5:46 PM
Yesterday, 08/08/08, my family and I had the pleasure of attending a wedding in the Applegate Valley of a close family friend. We left our house and drove the backway through Jacksonville and Ruch to get to the wedding. Of course both of the women in the car, Kristen and Maree, were concerned with my direction of travel.

"Not to worry", I told them. Maree, my 4 year old, had been there on the previous day for the rehearsal so of course she should know how to get there. "NO Daddy" was her quick reply, "you should have a paper..." Of course I did, but I love to tease (torment) her and I said "No, I am trusting you".

As we were driving down N. Applegate Road Maree cry's out "Bad landing, bad landing..." I start looking around for an airplane about to crash, or has already crashed. What can she be seeing. We ask her what she is talking about and she says "Daddy you were suppose to turn back there, I saw a gate. We are going to the apple gate and I saw a gate back there."